• Food Essentials for Dance – Fat

    We are officially on the last macronutrient this week! You made it! I think it’s important to highlight the differences between carbohydrates, protein, and fat, and how our bodies use them to support our physical and mental health. There are so many “diets” that completely cut out or severely restrict the intake of a certain macronutrient, often for the goal of achieving a certain body image. For dancers, I have found that many focus on carbohydrates and protein, but try to limit fat as much as possible under the false pretense that it will make them “fat”. Well, I am here to debunk that myth and show you why fat is an important nutrient in fueling our bodies. 

    Why is fat important?

    Fat is needed in our bodies to absorb fat soluble vitamins, like Vitamin A, D, E, and K. It also cushions and insulates our organs, making sure that they stay protected. Fat is also an important structural component to each one of our cells, and in fact, most of our brain is actually made up of fat! Fat also regulates our hormones, body temperature, and immune function to help our bodies stay balanced. 

    As dancers, fat is an important energy source in exercise that lasts longer than 20 minutes – basically every class and rehearsal! Fats with carbohydrates make sure that we have sustained, usable energy levels so that we can stay energized for a long day at dance. Fat also helps to control our inflammation levels, which is important for dancers in day to day recovery as well as dancers who are in a longer recovery period from injuries. 

    It is recommended that we get 20%-35% of our total caloric intake from fat. Just like carbohydrates and protein, the amount of fat that a dancer’s body needs will differ from their peers, and a dancer’s needs might even change over time. Using a more intuitive eating approach to nutrition can help guide dancers to discover these changes in their body. Several symptoms might pop up if you are consistently neglecting to intake fat – you might become hungry soon after you eat, long periods of exercise leave you feeling overly fatigued, or you might experience achy joints or chronic inflammation. Brain fog, dry skin, vitamin deficiencies and even mood shifts can also be present. If you experience any of these and you are concerned about your nutrition intake, it is always best to talk to a nutrition professional so you can make sure you are getting proper nutrient intake for your body. 

    Fat adds flavor to our food, so foods that are manufactured to be low fat or no fat (think ice cream, packaged foods, dressings, yogurt, etc.) usually have quite a bit of added sugar in them in order to make up for the lack of flavor. If you rely on a lot of low fat or nonfat food products, you might notice that your hunger and energy levels are more unstable. If this is something you observe, try having the full fat alternatives to these foods and see if they provide more satiety to your meal. 

    There are three broad categories of fats that we find in our food, and their nutrition profiles differ based on their molecular structure. 

    Unsaturated fats, which are fats that tend to be more liquid at room temperature, are the most important type of fat for us to include in our meals and snacks. Foods like eggs, olive oil, safflower oil, canola oil, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, avocados, olives, and peanut butter are all in this category. These foods are also packed with vitamins and minerals that are so important for our bodies to thrive on.

    Saturated fats tend to be more solid at room temperature. It is recommended to keep your intake of saturated fats at less than 6%-10% of your daily caloric intake because in excess they aren’t as good for our heart and artery health, but they definitely still have their place in well rounded nutrition. Always remember that when it comes to anything in life, but especially nutrition, balance is key, and more doesn’t mean better! Foods like pork, beef, chicken, whole fat dairy products like butter, whole milk, yogurt, and cheese, and plant oils like coconut oil, palm oil, and cocoa butter are all in this category. 

    Trans fats are the last category that we will cover. What makes them different from unsaturated and saturated fats are that they do not have any known health benefits for our body, so they should not be intentionally included in our day to day nutrition. Almost all trans fats are manufactured and are found in foods like margarine, fried foods, and frozen and packaged foods. Because of awareness surrounding negative health concerns linked to trans fats like heart disease, stroke, inflammation, and other chronic issues, they are being found less and less in our food system. Food manufacturers are becoming more aware, and this is a good thing!

    How can dancers use fat in nutrition to their advantage?

    Fats are digested much slower than carbohydrates and protein, so this is important to know when thinking about how to fuel your body during the day. Eating a lot of high fat, slow digesting foods before dance might make you feel tired, sluggish, or heavy in your stomach because they take longer for your body to break down. Before and during class, rehearsals, and performances, focus more on consuming carbohydrates with moderate amounts of protein and a little bit of fat. So for breakfast, this could look like incorporating foods like scrambled eggs, full fat yogurt, avocado on toast, nut butter, or other nuts and seeds into your morning. During the day, snacks like a piece of fruit with nut butter, hummus with veggies, yogurt, trail mix, hard boiled eggs, and chia pudding are some great options. With lunch, think about adding in foods like chicken, beans, avocado, hummus, or an olive oil dressing to your meal. 

    After you have finished dancing, it is important to refuel your body, so focus on eating foods with fat, protein, and some complex carbohydrates. Fish and meats are a great option for incorporating protein and fat, or if you prefer meatless options, add in some beans, tempeh, or eggs. Boost your meal by adding in another source of fat like avocado, tahini, olive oil, avocado oil, nuts, or seeds to your dinner as well. Having a dessert at night like dark chocolate, chocolate covered almonds, coconut milk ice cream or pudding, or hot chocolate with full fat milk are some great options to add some extra fats and enjoy something sweet at the end of the day. 

    Carbohydrates, fat, and protein, make up a macronutrient triangle that provides the nutrient needs of our body. Fat, just like the other two macronutrients, are important to include in your meals and snacks throughout the day to keep your body fueled for long days in the studio. If you have any questions, make sure to leave a comment down below!

  • Food Essentials for Dance – Protein

    In the fitness world, protein is sometimes held up higher than the other macronutrients. And, protein is definitely necessary for our bodies to function, and it is incredibly important for dancers to support growth and muscle development. BUT, the focus on protein consumption is sometimes taken to an extreme. Having a well balanced foodscape with protein, carbohydrates, and fat will ultimately help dancers and athletes get the proper nutrition they need to fuel their bodies. With that out of the way, let’s dive deeper into protein – what it is, where do we find it, and how can it help dancers in their training and recovery. 

    So first off, what is protein? Protein is often referred to as the “building block of life” because our skin, bones, muscles, hair, nails, and cartilage are predominately made up of protein. It also helps to manufacture our hormones to help our body maintain homeostasis. Protein also supports our immune function and energy level. In fact, the enzymes in some proteins facilitate the many chemical reactions in our body, like our metabolism and digestion. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which is what the body uses to build up the muscles, bones, and tissues in our body and support all of the processes that we just talked about. Now, I know this is getting a bit technical, but amino acids come into play with our nutrition needs. There are around 20 different amino acids, and our body can actually produce 10 of them on our own. BUT, we HAVE to get the others from what we eat. So as you can see, having adequate protein amounts as well as having diversified protein intake is important for our body to function. 

    Whew, that was a lot, but you made it! I promise this is not a science lesson! Okay, so how does this translate to your nutritional need as a dancer? Because proteins are building blocks, they make sure that our muscles and bones develop, stay strong, and recover, which is important for all dancers, but especially for students. Proteins also work with carbohydrates to breakdown and deliver glucose effectively, which means sustained energy throughout long dance days. For those long theater weeks, protein makes sure our immune system stays strong with antibodies. And for women, protein is important during our monthly cycle because protein helps to balance our hormones. 

    Our protein needs will shift based on our age, gender, muscle development, and activity level, so the recommended range is from 10%-35% of your total caloric intake. Keep in mind that as a dancer, and especially when you are growing, your body more likely will want to be on the higher end of that percentage. What I always like to highlight though is that every body is different, with different nutritional needs when it comes to food. It will take time to figure out just how much protein your body needs, and remember, this can even change for you day to day, so it is always important to listen to your body.. As a guide, here are some signs that you might not be getting enough protein – if you have frequent and long lasting aches, pains, and muscle soreness, thinning hair, brittle nails, feeling hungry soon after eating, low energy levels and muscle loss. 

    When we think of protein sources, often meat is the first type of food that comes to mind. Whole food animal products are great sources of protein, but there are also a lot of plant foods that have a great protein content as well. Chicken, beef, pork, eggs, and dairy products like whole milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese are all on the high protein list. Plant sources of protein include whole grains, quinoa, beans, legumes, peas, tempeh, tofu, edamame, peanut butter, nuts, seeds, and even seaweed. The great thing about plant sources of protein are that they are usually cheaper in price, and they have many vitamins and minerals that animal food do not have. Protein products like protein powder and bars can have their place in a dancer’s day, but they are not necessary for everyone. They can be a great option to have in moderation, especially if you know that you struggle with getting protein throughout the day. But, they should not be relied on as your main source of protein. I cannot stress enough how important it is to get your protein from multiple different foods to have a complete protein profile in your nutrition. So get creative, and try new meal and snack combinations! 

    Many dancers worry about getting enough protein in, but really all you need is some thoughtful planning. Focus on incorporating a few protein rich foods in every meal and snack, and it should be plenty to satisfy your protein needs. As mentioned earlier, protein helps to keep our energy levels stable, so it is important to eat protein throughout the day, but especially at the beginning of the day and after you finish dancing to help with muscle growth and repair. Some examples of a protein packed breakfasts before dance include oatmeal topped with peanut butter, hemp seeds, and fruit. Or have a smoothie with flax, chia, and hemp seeds. Egg or tofu scrambles are also great options, and are great for adding in some veggies in the morning. Experiment with your breakfast and see what fuels you up for classes and rehearsals, and what helps you stay full, fueled, and focused without that sluggish feeling. During the day, snacks like hummus with veggies or whole grain pita, an apple or banana with nut butter, hard boiled eggs, edamame, yogurt and granola, or a trail mix are all fast and easy options. You can also think about incorporating foods like quinoa, chickpeas, brown rice, or chicken in with your lunches. After dance, focus on having a meal with ingredients like whole grains, beans, legumes, tempeh, and/or animal sources to help your body repair and recover. 

    I hope this post helped you learn more about protein and its function in the body. And, I hope that you have been inspired to try some new foods or meal combinations! The last macronutrient that we will focus on is fat, so be sure to stay tuned.

  • Food Essentials for Dance – Carbohydrates

    Let’s talk about carbs, baby! And why they are good for you and me! Carbohydrates get a bad reputation in the world of keto and paleo, but this macronutrient is extremely important for the proper function of our body. Usually, when people think of carbs, they think of bread, pasta, sugary cereals, and processed snacks, but there are so many whole food carbohydrate sources that are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber that keep your body fueled for dance. 

    Without getting too sciency, let’s break down carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are our body’s main source of energy. During digestion, all carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars – glucose – to be distributed through the bloodstream to our cells for energy. How quickly this process happens depends on the type of carbohydrate, more on this a little later. Carbohydrates not only fuel our muscles, which is important for our energy levels and performance level in the dance studio,  but they also power our brain, meaning that it helps with our concentration and mental clarity during classes and rehearsals. Carbohydrates also contain fiber, which is a part of the carbohydrate that cannot be broken down into glucose. Fiber slows the absorption of glucose, which is energy, into the bloodstream to help us avoid a spike in energy. Fiber also helps us to regulate our digestion and bowel movements. 

    It is recommended to get 45%-65% of your daily caloric intake from carbohydrates. The amount of carbohydrates you need will be different from someone else, and it can even be different for you day to day depending on your dance schedule and activity level. This is where intuitive eating can be helpful, because you can assess day to day and meal to meal what your body needs. 

    There are three different types of carbohydrates, and as we mentioned earlier, they are broken down differently depending on their structure. Simple carbohydrates are made up of small compounds so they are broken down into glucose quickly by the body, giving us fast energy. These are in foods like fruit, honey, dairy, and sugar. When you eat a simple carbohydrate, like an apple, alone, you might find that you get energy quickly, but it does not last long. You might also feel full after eating an apple, but might find yourself looking for another snack 30 minutes later. Fruit does have fiber, which slows the absorption of glucose into the body, but on its own, it is not a substantial snack or meal. Simple carbohydrates are great when paired with complex carbohydrates, fat, and/or protein. 

    Next up, complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates live up to their name. They contain larger compounds, starch, and fiber, that take more time for the body to break down into glucose, digest, and absorb into the body. This means that complex carbohydrates provide more stable, long lasting energy and hunger levels. Whole grains like oats, brown rice, whole wheat, barley, and couscous are a part of the complex carbohydrate family. Pseudograins like amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat are also in this group. Vegetable, starchy veggies, beans, legumes, peas, nuts, and seeds, are also complex carbohydrates. Each of these whole foods is also packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support our body’s many functions.

    Lastly we are going to talk about refined carbohydrates, which are carbohydrates that have been broken down in the manufacturing process and have had part of the whole food removed. Usually, the fiber has been removed, meaning that refined carbohydrates are broken down quickly into glucose. They can often lead to a quick spike in energy but can lead to unstable energy and hunger levels when eaten by themselves. They also tend to not be as nutritionally dense as their whole food counterparts. These are foods like white rice, white flour, white bread, white pasta, as well as cereals, crackers, and other packaged goods. These types of refined carbohydrates can actually be useful for dancers when paired with some protein and/or fat. They provide calories and quick energy that dancers often need in between classes and rehearsals. Refined carbohydrates are also foods that have added sugar in them like baked goods, candy, and many processed foods and snacks. Now I want to be clear, these are not bad foods, nor should they be completely restricted! Instead, I want you to think about them in terms of fueling your body. Think about if you only ate a big slice of cake for lunch in between rehearsals. You would probably start rehearsal with a lot of energy, but you might also experience an energy crash soon after. You might also experience hunger an hour later. Eating only cake for lunch might also give you a headache or stomach ache, which is just not fun to try to dance with. So, only having that slice of cake for lunch might not make you feel your best while dancing, but having a small slice of cake to enjoy after a nourishing meal post dance? Absolutely! These foods are great to enjoy in moderation and truly savor the taste and experience. 

    When looking at all carbohydrates, we might have ones that we prefer, and we might have some that we have applied food rules to. When learning to eat carbohydrates intuitively, it is important to not look at one type of carbohydrate as “off limits”, but to see how our bodies use them differently. Notice how they make you feel! Simple and refined carbohydrates, when eaten by themselves, might make us have unstable hunger or energy levels, but eating a meal or snack that combines them with other complex carbohydrates, protein, or fat can provide energy and nutrition for a dancer during a long day. Complex carbohydrates are important for their fiber and nutrient content. Focusing on complex carbs before and after dance will help to fuel our bodies for a long day and then help to replenish our energy stores after dance. Lastly, refined carbohydrates that have added sugar are those foods that we can enjoy in moderation purely for the pleasure of them. When we eat a lot of them, or rely on them to make up the bulk of our meals or snacks, we might feel like our energy levels, hunger levels, or even mood are affected by them. But enjoying a little bit every day is an important part of life. Restricting these might lead us to overeat them when they are available, making us feel out of control. Read more about that here

    Before dance, think of integrating complex carbohydrates like oatmeal, quinoa, or other grain into a sweet or savory breakfast bow. Or you can have whole grain toast or cereal with other foods! You can add veggies in the form of an egg scramble or roasted potatoes, or you can add fruit to your breakfast. During a dance day, think about having carbohydrates that are quicker to digest. Remember to eat these with protein and/or fat for staying power! Having a sandwich, pasta salad, smoothie, granola with yogurt, crackers and hummus, dried fruit in trail mix, or a piece of fruit with nut or seed butter are great options. After dance, it is important to replenish the body, so complex carbohydrates are great to have here. Whole grains, veggies, starchy vegetables, and nuts and seeds are great to have here. If you want dessert or a favorite snack food with one of these meals or snacks, then do it! 

    There are so many ways that we can incorporate carbohydrates into our meals and snacks to fuel our dancing. Carbohydrates support our energy, brain function, and digestion, and so they are an equally important macronutrient to eat. Coming up, we will be talking about protein and fat, how they support our bodies, and what are some ways to incorporate them into our meals and snacks. Until then, experiment adding in different carbohydrates into your day!